viernes, 23 de abril de 2021

What's the matter? It's quarantine!

What's the matter? It's quarantine!
(Present simple vs Present continuos)

- Sylvia usually gets up at 7.
- She doesn't sleep until noon.
- Rosa always puts no her shool uniforme un the morning.
- She doesn't wear old dresses.
- Mary always has a healthy breakfast in the morning.
- She never eats chips.
- Susan always takes her bag and goes to school.
- She doesn't stay at home.
-Nancy always has clases at ten in the morning.
- She doesn't sleep at that Time.
- Rob always walks his dog in the park at four in the afternoon.
- He doesn't stay at home and he doesn't read any books.
- Mr Happy doesn't do his shopping at Seven pm.
- he doesn't watch TV.
- Mr. Busy always works until 11 PM.
- He goes to bed early (está mal escrito el ejercicio es doesn't go si lo haces en la página)


FACEBOOK: Aprende en casa / tareas hechas / secundaria

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